Class Details
- Length: 2 sessions, 4 hours total
- Class Format: On-demand teleclass to take anytime, at your convenience. You will receive links to 4 hours of MP3 recordings (from a live class which includes the questions, comments and interactions of the participants with the instructor) and PDF’s containing 13 pages of detailed handouts.
- Tuition: $24.95 This reduced price from $125 is to help anyone who is interested in or yearning to learn more about what happens to animals after death has affordable and convenient access to this information from the animals.
- Instructor: Teresa Wagner, MS
- Who Should Attend: This teleclass is ideal for anyone who wants to hear stories from the animals to enhance their understanding about the diversity of the afterlife of animals, what is possible in death, the other side, and coming back.
- Register: Click here to purchase (This link will automatically redirect you to the Animals in our Hearts web site for purchase.)
- Testimonials: Click here
For students enrolled in the certification program:
- This is an elective class
- Prerequisite: None
- Required Reading: Animals and the Afterlife, Kim Sheridan
- Fee for Coaching & Mentoring session held after submission of Written Class Review: $198 (fee not applicable for students who have pre-paid the entire certification program fee which includes these sessions)
Content and Purpose
I am in awe and deeply grateful for all I have learned from the animals about death, including what so many of them describe about what it is like for animals’ souls in the spirit world. Their stories about the afterlife of animals have humbled me, touched me, and have made me utterly unafraid of death. It is a great privilege to talk with both the animals and their people during these sacred transitions.
This teleclass was created at the request of many clients who longed to understand more about the afterlife of animals and stories about what happens to our beloved animals after death. There is perhaps nothing as sobering as the severe illness or physical death of a loved one to bring on a crisis of faith or an inner questioning of our spiritual belief systems. We may ask ourselves—for the first time or perhaps the 100th time—what do I really believe happens when we die? What happens to animals? Is it the same as with us? Are animals’ souls the same as ours? Different? Who are they with? What are they doing? Can we still talk? Will we be together again?
This class is ideal for anyone who wants the answers to these questions, directly from the animals, to enhance their understanding about the diversity of of animals’ experiences at death, on the other side, and in coming back to earth. The class does not include the dogma of any particular religious, spiritual or metaphysical belief system. You will not be told things about death and afterlife as it if they are the ultimate, final or exclusive truth. Rather, you will hear stories from the animals about the afterlife of animals offered as information to help you clarify your own beliefs, and to be inspired by the animals themselves.
I believe strongly, and have seen evidence of this within myself and with many clients, that having a strong sense of faith, belief or understanding about death and life beyond earth can bring great comfort during the poignant and emotionally challenging time of grief and anticipatory grief. However, this class does not impose a particular belief system. It simply offers a great deal of information, heard over many years from the animals, to be considered by the listener.
If you would like to hear stories from the animals to enhance and perhaps increase your understanding about the afterlife of animals and the mystery of souls coming to and leaving the earth, this teleclass is appropriate for you. My hope is that it serves to bring you more comfort and peace during the inevitable and often painful times of losing your animal loved ones.
Issues that are addressed in this two session teleclass about the afterlife of animals include:
• What Have the Animals Said About What Death Is Like?
• Is every experience the same, or are there differences?
• Are there trends of similar things for most animals?
• Who meets them, who are they with?
• Where Do They Go?
• How do They Describe Heaven/The Other Side?
• What does it look like? Feel like?
• What Do They Do?
• What goes on there?
• Is the afterlife of animals different from the afterlife of humans?
• Do They Miss Us? See us? Visit Us?
• Does it disturb them if I connect with them a lot?
• If I cry or grieve a lot?
• If I sense them visiting me, does this mean they are stuck and haven’t moved on?
• Do Animals Have Souls?
• If so, are they the same as human souls?
• Is there a hierarchy of souls?
• Can animals become human, can humans become animals?
• Will We Be Together Again With the Animals We have Loved and Lost?
• If they come back, will they be the same? different?
• How will I know it’s them?
• Is there a difference between soul family and earth family?
• If there is reincarnation, what do souls do between lives, what choices do they make?
In this class,
you will not be told
things about death and afterlife of animals
as if they are the ultimate,
final or only truth.
You will hear diverse stories
offered as information
with the intent to help you
clarify your own beliefs.
May the
animals’ stories
in some way add to
your comfort and peace during
the inevitable and often
painful times of losing
your animal loved ones.

I can listen to her on a soul level and grow
Teresa is so gentle and kind in her delivery. And the stories that she shared were beautiful. I can listen to her on a soul level and grow.
~ Toni P, California
Liked the opportunity after class to hear everyone’s experiences
I wasn’t really expecting anything from this class, I was just curious. I ended up enjoying the classes very much and came away with a lot of helpful information and a lot to think about. Teresa presented the material very well. I also liked how she asked people in the class to relate their personal experiences, and the opportunity after class to hear everyone’s perspectives.
~ Jeanine G, Ohio
Affirming, reassuring, heartwarming, and perspective shifting
Teresa’s choices what to share of the animal perspectives were great. They were a combination of affirming, reassuring, heartwarming, and perspective shifting. I could feel Teresa’s thoughtfulness and gentle presence, which is so wonderful to be with. I also enjoyed being with a group of like minded people.
~ Julie L, Wisconsin
Satisfying, confirming and enlightening
Heard so many things that reassured me and I believe will make my future losses far easier, at least on the spiritual level. So satisfying, confirming and enlightening.
~Judy T, California
A privilege and an honor to attend
Teresa is a wonderful teacher, and the class was as spiritual as I expected. I truly enjoyed envisioning the others in the group, and knowing that we all came together to share this moment for ourselves, and of course for the animals. It was a privilege and an honor to attend.
~ Linda W, North Carolina
I really enjoyed the class
I learned new information and feel very reassured about facing the death of not only my pets, but other loved ones as well.
~ Lori H.
I felt very fulfilled and grateful after hearing Teresa’s shared stories
Teresa is a wonderful role model as an animal communicator and also her gentle and encouraging way of being in the world inspires me to become softer and kinder as I embrace each day. I value the information Teresa shared in this teleclass from her years of experience in this field. I truly admire her particular style in speaking with the animals that have crossed over and their people and in creating such a safe and loving arena for all concerned.
~ Judy W, Illinois
What an incredibly satisfying journey Teresa has taken us on during this teleclass
Her gentle presentations of her client’s stories lead me through a range of emotions – from laughter, to tears, to quiet reflection. I am richer and wiser for having taken this class, and yet I am deeply humbled by the profound wisdom and unconditional love of our beloved animal companions. I understand more clearly, now, that quote about the best and most beautiful things in this life cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. The class exceeded my expectations. Teresa has a fantastic ability to take thought-provoking topics and present them in a straightforward fashion. Her ability to mix humor into her presentation of the afterlife of animals is outstanding! She paces content and delivers it at an appropriate level for all to understand. Responds well to questions posed.
~ Davidene T.
Look forward to more classes of hers
I LOVE Teresa, she just makes everything so easy even in a difficult situation. I look forward to more classes of hers.”
~ Dana L, California
Use of clients’ stories helped keep the presentation real
With the use of real stories from her client base, Teresa presented a comforting view of death from the animal’s perspective. Her wealth of experience as an animal communicator and her use of clients’ stories helped keep the presentation real. The pace and organization of her presentation was exactly right.
~ Kath Q, Georgia
Learned a great deal!
Thanks for having this class that addressed questions many of us were wondering within ourselves.
~ Tina T, Oklahoma
From the animals, I’ve learned that no one dies alone, that love never ends between two beings who loved one another deeply on earth,
that communication does not end with death, that relationships of love may change form but they never end, that we are reunited
with our loved ones, and that
peace truly does prevail in heaven.
From all of it I have shed
any fear of death.
~ Teresa Wagner